It’s official! On May 30th, 2012 Google Places pages were officially replaced and merged with Google+ Local pages.

This is of particular interest to those of you who have a business that relies on being found by your address, and even if you are not that bothered, you should be, because a lot of Google Places pages are listed at the top of the search engine results, and often found above even the organically placed and coveted No.1 position.

Google Places Local Listings are often associated with restaurants, retail stores/shops, and hotels, but if you adopt this strategy in to your overall SEO efforts, more than just the aforementioned businesses can greatly benefit from being part of these search results. Google is really forcing their hand and letting you know a couple of things:

  1. Google+ is here to stay and is being integrated in to quite a few existing Google products that many individuals and businesses currently use
  2. You need to bite the bullet now and start learning how to use Google+

Google Places now merged with Google PlusSome of you may already know that Google acquired Zagat last September, and it would now appear that they are capitalizing on this acquisition by featuring feature Zagat scores and recommendations from people you’re connected to on Google+.

There is no need for anyone to panic about this change, because for the most part, things are very much the same. You just need to get used to the fact that Google+ is here to stay, and sooner or later, for those of you that are not so familiar with the social network, you will need to learn more in order to keep up with their overall plan to integrate it in to your daily web experience.

In another blog post we will show you how you can benefit from the new Google+ Local pages, and how you go about incorporating your business in to these search results.

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Google Adwords Keywords – Should You Use Broad Match or Exact Match?

July 14, 2011

The importance of deciding whether to use Broad Match or Exact Match keywords depends on whether you are using Google Adwords Keywords for a pay per click campaign, or if you are trying to decide on the keyword content of your website, blogs, or landing pages. This question has been posed to me a couple […]

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Should you manage a Google Ad Words campaign or Hire an Expert to do it for you?

January 12, 2011

So you have decided that running a Google Adwords campaign is going to benefit your business and bring you additional web traffic and sales, but do you try and take on the arduous task of doing it yourself, or simply hire a Google Pay Per Click expert to manage everything for you? Since I am […]

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Google Search Engine Optimization Results – Atlanta SEO Company gets fired!

September 7, 2010

This is a true story that upset me quite a bit when it happened 5 weeks ago, but now that I have done some research and realized that other SEO Companies have experienced the same scenario, I feel much better now! I did ask my client if they minded me using their company name, and […]

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Love your Blog and it will Love you back!

August 9, 2010

You are probably wondering what the heck is up with the title of this blog, but it’s really quite simple. The more time, devotion, and passion you put in to your blog, the more you will get out of it in return. It’s true, blogging is not a get rich scheme, so if you come […]

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What are No Follow and Do Follow Blogs?

July 1, 2010

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How Many Words Should My Blog Posts Be?

June 9, 2010

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