It’s a good question that really has no definitive answer, it just depends! Depends on what? It really depends on what type of blog you are setting up, what your goals are, who your target audience is, and the subject matter you are going to blog about.
How do you start a blog?
Before you do too much in the way of trying to nail everything down right from the onset, carefully decide what you are going to blog about, and ask yourself if this is an area of expertise, or hobby that you will be able to continue creating content for in 3 months time. If you truly have a passion about what you would like to blog about you should be able to answer YES to this question. If you can not honestly say that you will be able to keep creating content for your blog, you may want to think about another area of interest, expertise, passion or hobby.
How frequently should I post Blogs?
The most practical advice is to start off slow and build yourself up over time. No-one wants to come to your blog and get used to you posting every day, and have their appetite geared towards fresh daily content and information, only to find out a few weeks or months later that you cut your postings back to once a week. The better scenario would be to have your regular readers get used to you posting blogs once or twice a week, and then over time gradually increase this frequency to maybe 3 or 4 times a week, or once a day.
It is easy in the beginning to get carried away with thinking that you can constantly and infinitely keep coming up with fresh content, so take it easy, get yourself used to the world of blogging, learn ways in the beginning on how you can increase your readership and visitors to your blog, and once you start to build some traction, maybe then is a good time to look at increasing your blog posting frequency.
This is a very basic overview of How Often You Should Blog. Stay tuned for more detailed information on the different types of blogs you can set up, and which ones lend themselves to more or less frequent blog postings.